Founded in 2016, Malaysian startup CollectCo bridges the country’s last mile gap by turning traditional brick-and-mortal stores to “click and collect” points, catering to both sellers and customers. We talked to their cofounder and CEO Dylan Wong about how it provided a lifeline during the pandemic, and their ambitions to expand to other countries in Southeast Asia.

What gaps in Malaysia’s last mile do CollectCo aim to address? How does it complement existing delivery and e-commerce services?

The gaps that CollectCo aims to address is the lack of retail pick up and drop off points. These retail points complement existing last mile providers by providing consumers a convenient option to receive or return their e-commerce parcels. We achieve this by partnering local retailers with the mission to help them take advantage of the e-commerce growth through supply chain services.

Was it difficult to convince brick-and-mortar stores to become a CollectCo location?

It was challenging at the start as this was a new concept here in Malaysia. However, once local retailers were able to see the success of our network, they became more receptive to this idea. CollectCo always approach retailers with the mission to help them drive traffic and revenue into their shop through courier services. We received great testimonies from our retailers where courier services has helped them to generate revenue for their existing shop.

How has CollectCo dealt with the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic? How have restrictions on movement impacted the stores that act as your collection points?

With COVID-19, traffic to our partner retailers has slowed down significantly due to restricted movement. With that, courier services was a life-saver to them since it is an essential service. We empowered the retailers with a system where they can capture sales remotely to survive during these tough times.

Does CollectCo plan to expand to other countries in Southeast Asia?

Yes. CollectCo plans to expand to countries where there are areas that we can provide value to uplift the e-commerce ecosystem through offline retailers. We are ambitious to grow this idea beyond borders and share what we have with more retailers worldwide. The more retailers we empower, closer we get to our goals.

What do you think lies ahead for the e-commerce and last mile sectors in the coming years, especially as it continues to see growth?

The demand for last-mile delivery services will continue to rise as e-commerce growth is accelerated. Customers will be demanding for more convenient options and services to make shopping easier online. This is where CollectCo can provide value through innovative solutions and services. CollectCo is optimistic for what lies ahead and we are excited to participate in this wave of opportunity.

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