After three years, one of SCMAP’s annual flagship events, Supply Chain Immersion, is set to return, visiting Cebu City on 21-23 May 2023.

The unique three-day event will once again feature a mix of expert talks on board 2GO’s brand-new MV 2GO Maligaya vessel, and site tours in key locators in Cebu City. This year we will look at how supply chains of the future can be impactful and responsible, focusing on the greater role our work plays in fostering resilient communities, environmental sustainability and competitiveness.

The event will also provide opportunities for participants to connect with industry leaders and colleagues, and together, better understand the challenges and opportunities facing the sector in these unprecedented and uncertain times.

More details, including registration and program details, will be revealed in the coming days. To express your interest, and for your inquiries, you can email Annette Camangon at