SCMAP president Pierre Carlo Curay will be speaking at the next General Membership Meeting of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, happening via Zoom on 4 May from 3pm to 5pm.

He will be sharing a supply chain perspective on how to solve the issue of traffic congestion plaguing our major urban areas, particularly in Metro Manila, especially as we continue to reopen our economy from the worst of the pandemic.

Joining him as speaker is Engr. Rene Santiago, a former urban transport consultant for the Japan International Cooperation Agency.

This event is part of a deeper cooperation between SCMAP and PCCI, the leading voice of Philippine businesses. This includes Curay, representing SCMAP, being named co-chair of the chamber’s Transport and Logistics Committee, providing its members a greater voice in the formulation of regulatory and policy reform recommendations.

To take part in this free event, click here to register.