SCMAP’s executive director Cora Curay is among the panelists at the second W-GDP Webinar Series on Women’s Economic Development, happening on 25 September 2020, from 2pm, online via Zoom.
Organized by UPPAF-RESPOND in partnership with the Philippine Commission on Women, the series of events looks at issues and concerns faced by female entrepreneurs and workers as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This particular webinar will look at the challenges of moving their goods during the pandemic.
The event will be led by Dr. Enrico Basilio, chief of party of UPPAF-RESPOND, and Carmen Roceli Lopez, assistant project manager of PCW’s Great Women Project 2.
Joining Curay as panelists are Air 21’s Maria Rhona Begonia, Balay Kauswagan Resources Center’s Lorena Navallasca, and Crissander Enterprise’s Crispina Singh. UPPAF-RESPOND’s Jeanne Illo will act as moderator.
Registration to the event is for free. Click here to take part. You can also watch a live stream of the event through UPPAF-RESPOND’s Facebook page.