The SCMAP Supply Chain Conference – the most prestigious event in Philippine supply chain – returns this October in a format that reflects these extraordinary times we live and work in.

For this year, the conference transforms to #SCC20 Live, a month-long online event where we look at how we in supply chain can work in these times of uncertainty and upheaval. Now that we have made sense of the so-called “new normal” that emerged from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it’s time to take stock of how we can continue to better provide value to our customers, partners and stakeholders, especially now that supply chain’s role in ensuring quality of life and boosting morale is keenly stressed.

The event will be composed of three sessions across three dates, each tackling important issues relevant to supply chain in these extraordinary times:

Restart: Understanding Our New Realities (8 October)
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to change the way we go about our lives and our work. What lies ahead for our economy and the supply chain sector in the months and years ahead?

Rethink: Improving Our Supply Chain Processes (15 October)
Changes in consumer demands and behaviors, alongside natural and man-made upheavals, have put a focus on our supply chain processes. What can we do to stay one step ahead of these challenges and continue to serve our customers better?

Reconnect: Keeping Our Sight On What’s Important (22 October)
Amidst technological advances, operational challenges and shifting preferences, we in supply chain must keep our sights on what’s important: to provide value to our customers. We talk to supply chain veterans for their insights in these unusual times.

We promise a mix of acclaimed and respected speakers from across the Philippines and around the world, in a format that will continue to be as interactive and engaging as our previous conferences in a physical setting.

All events will be open to SCMAP members and non-members alike. We will provide further details on sponsorship opportunities and delegate registration in the coming weeks through the SCMAP website (our #SCC20 Live minisite will go live next week) and our social media channels.