This year’s edition of the Asian Logistics and Maritime Conference will be held on 19-20 November 2019, once again at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Co-organized by the Hong Kong SAR government and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, the event is once again expected to gather up to 2,200 delegates from across Asia, as well as over a hundred companies in the accompanying exhibit.
This year’s event will focus on the challenges and opportunities raised by recent geopolitical developments, particularly the ongoing US-Chin trade dispute as well as political volatility across the world. The first day’s plenary session will look at how logistics companies have adapted to the changing situation, and what more can be done. The second day’s plenary session will explore the connection between supply chain efficiency and customer satisfaction, and the role technology plays in it.
Other topics to be discussed include new logistics technologies and developments impacting logistics in East Asia, like the emergence of the Guangzhou-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area.
The event also offers networking opportunities, including an exhibit featuring key supply chain players across the world, as well as business matching sessions and visits to various logistics facilities across Hong Kong and China.
SCMAP and its official magazine Supply Chain Magazine are once again a supporting media partner of the event, with a presence in the exhibit’s Intelligence Lounge.
More information about the event, including programme updates and confirmed speakers, can be found at almc.hk.