Dario Arive Jr., supply chain manager of URC Flour, returns to the SCMAP Board of Directors as Mark Philip Comandante exits.

Comandante, who is a past president of the organization, is leaving as director as he exits his position at Zuellig Pharma. According to SCMAP’s by-laws, a director of the board cannot hold his position when he leaves the company he represents, or ceases to become its official representative.

Arive was previously director in 2016, where he was part of the training and academe committee. He was elevated to the position after coming in 12th at the SCMAP elections last year. He will assume the position for the remainder of the year.

SCMAP wishes Mack all the best as he embarks on the next chapter in his professional career, and looks forward to once again work with Jun in moving Philippine supply chain towards world class.