Below is a letter from SCMAP President Nestor Felicio outlining the organization’s plans for 2017.

Dear SCMAP Members,

I am honored and excited as I begin my term as President of SCMAP. I am proud to be part of this organization that works not only for the common interests of its members but also contributes to nation-building by working towards a globally-competitive Philippine supply chain.

Through the years, SCMAP’s advocacies has made it relevant. Our voice is sought and heard in policy discussions, making us the premier supply chain organization in the country.

I am pleased to note that this year’s Board of Directors includes major players in the industry, from manufacturers (Johnson & Johnson, Nestlé, Procter and Gamble, Unilab, Unilever) to logistics and distribution (Fast, LF Logistics, XVC, Zuellig) to retailers (Rustan’s Supercenter). This is truly an “end-to-end supply chain” leadership.

It is apt that this year, the Board has decided to adopt the battle cry “Connect. Engage. Move.”

Connect. SCMAP will attract new members; we aim to activate new chapters in Luzon and Mindanao in addition to our very successful Visayas chapter. We will also increase membership from the rapidly growing retail sector. We will leverage SCMAP’s end-to-end membership by exploring areas of collaboration to improve supply chain practices and end-to-end efficiencies.

Engage. We will increase our engagement with you, our members, not only through events but other communication and touch points as well. We will continue to seek feedback and find more opportunities to share best practices. We will continue to engage with partners to develop advanced education and training programs to uplift the supply chain practice in the Philippines.

Move. We will further strengthen the organization. The SCMAP organization is the foundation upon which we build our advocacies, for the betterment of its members and the overall supply chain in the Philippines.

As we continue to move SCMAP forward, we will build on the achievements and learnings of the past. Combining these with new ideas will keep us at the forefront.

And so I would like to thank our past President, Ms. Corazon Curay, whose committed leadership made 2016 one of the strongest years of SCMAP. We have grown our membership and raised the bar for our annual SCMAP Supply Chain Conference. We have grown our contribution in the area of policy though our involvement in the National Logistics Master Plan, the DTI-DPWH Convergence Program, among others. We have made great strides in our collaboration with TESDA and GoNegosyo.

We also thank the past Board members and welcome back those who will continue to serve and the new members to this year’s Board. We also express our appreciation for our Secretariat headed by our Executive Director Norman Adriano, for providing the energy and leg work to move SCMAP.

Most of all I thank you the members of SCMAP. Through its 28 years of existence, the organization has succeeded because of the support of its members.

I encourage you to increase your involvement with SCMAP, join its activities, give suggestions, and utilize its network.

I look forward to meeting you in our General Membership Meetings!

Nestor Felicio
Y2017-2018 President, SCMAP