SCMAP organizes events all year round, providing an avenue for supply chain professionals to gain insight on the latest industry trends, learn of new developments and practices, and network with their colleagues. It gathers major figures not just from the industry, but also from business, government and the academe. Our events cater to every supply chain professional, from managers and executives, to supervisors and field workers.

SCMAP Supply Chain Conference
The most prestigious event in Philippine supply chain explores issues that are set to impact our profession.

Supply Chain Immersion
Our unique annual event puts you in the center of supply chain management.

A series of free online events exploring the new normal for supply chain.

Supply Chain Outlook
Industry leaders and experts help us look at what’s ahead for the supply chain industry.

Supply Chain Perspective
Bringing together supply chain experts and business leaders across the country.

Sharpening the Supply Chain Practitioners
SCMAP Visayas’ flagship event brings top perspectives to Central Visayas.

General Membership Meetings
Updating our members on the latest developments and trends.

Regional Events
SCMAP is active across the Philippines through its chapters based in Cebu, Clark and Davao.

Providing a venue for members and colleagues to wind down and network.