SCMAP joins other business groups in calling for the passing of amendments to the Public Service Act.

The organization is a co-signatory in a position paper released yesterday, to coincide with a bicameral session discussing the House and Senate versions of the proposed amendments. Other groups include the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Philippine Exporters’ Confederation and the Export Development Council.

In the position paper, the organizations call for the adoption of the “most liberal provisions” between the two versions of the proposed law, and the ratification of the consolidated bill before Congress starts its recess on 5 February. These provisions include:

  • allowing fully foreign-owned companies to operate airports and seaports;
  • liberalizing tollways and expressways to allow foreign investment, the same way for railways and subways;
  • lifting the foreign ownership restriction for air carriers;
  • excluding telecommunications and public utility vehicles from the definition of “public utility”; and
  • the reciprocity provision not becoming a barrier to foreign investment

The organizations believe that allowing foreign investment into these sectors would allow for increased competition, reduced costs, and improved services for critical sectors such as logistics, transportation and last mile.

You can read the position paper in full by clicking here.