The first Kapihan Session organized by SCMAP’s North Luzon chapter saw a discussion of new customs regulations, as well as the impact of the second package of tax reforms on locators in special economic zones like Clark.

Maritess Martin, recently named by the Bureau of Customs as district collector for the Port of Clark, took time off from her schedule to discuss new customs regulations, as well as recent developments and incidents at the Clark International Airport, as well as the bureau’s new thrusts under commissioner Isidro Lapeña.

Discussing the impact of tax reform was SCMAP North Luzon president Frankie Villanueva, who presented the results of consultations among industry groups and stakeholders in Clark and Subic with representatives from the public and private sectors, including members of Congress and the Senate.

The event – the second amongst Clark locators for the year, and the first organized by SCMAP North Luzon – was held at the Xenia Hotel at the Clark Freeport Zone. Imagined as a small gathering, up to 45 people from locators in the region, and even some from Manila, took part not just to hear from the speakers, but also to network with supply chain stakeholders in North Luzon.

Villanueva envisions the event to be a regular endeavor for SCMAP North Luzon, and foresees the involvement of other groups in upcoming events for a wider reach.