Supply Chain Essentials is composed of six half-day webinars, held on consecutive Friday afternoons, covering essential knowledge of key supply chain concepts.

Jump to: Supply Chain | Supply Chain Finance | Supply Chain Planning | Strategic Sourcing | Transportation and Distribution | Customer Fulfillment

The Essentials of Supply Chain

This module offers a comprehensive overview and deep understanding of supply chain management, from its historical origin as a business discipline to becoming a corporate strategy to drive businesses. The course includes a study of supply chain evolution, a thorough discussion of its scope, and its strategic role in the business and economy today.  It likewise includes an analytic discussion of actual cases of companies that embarked on supply chain as a business strategy. Key discussion points include:

  • The history and evolution of supply chain management
  • The key disciplines and principles that drive supply chains
  • Examples of supply chain models that excel
  • Assessing your supply chains

This webinar will next be held on 20 August 2021.

The Essentials of Supply Chain Finance

This module explores the intersection between the world of supply chain and the world of finance. To be successful in business, supply chain should also speak the language of finance. This module covers the essentials of finance, particularly financial statements, and how they relate to various supply chain operations. Key discussion points include:

  • The financial impact of supply chain management
  • Understanding financial statements
  • The financial statement and how it relates to supply chain
  • Assessing supply chain health through finance
  • Strategies to improve financial strength through supply chain

This webinar will next be held on 27 August 2021.

The Essentials of Supply Chain Planning

This module underscores the importance of bridging the more strategic business plan to the more detailed operating plan. A better understanding of the S&OP/IBP process shall result to building alignment across all functions through an agreed consensus plan that shall bring real benefits to the company and ultimately to the consumers. Key discussion points include:

  • The importance of planning in supply chain and demand management as they correlate with sales and operation planning and/or integrated business planning process
  • Challenges and pitfalls in integrated business planning
  • Understanding the S&OP/IBP process and starting one in your organization
  • Best practices and IBP maturity levels in top organizations
  • Assessing supply chain planning performance

This webinar will next be held on 3 September 2021.

The Essentials of Strategic Sourcing

This module provides a working knowledge of the principles of sourcing as a means of adding value to the company’s bottom line as well as achieving customer service expectations.  The course includes a discussion of purchasing concepts and principles as well as their practical application in any business. Key discussion points include:

  • The evolution of sourcing and its role in supply chain management
  • The sourcing cycle, process and principles
  • Developing a sourcing strategy
  • Key trends and applications
  • Assessing sourcing performance

This webinar will next be held on 10 September 2021.

The Essentials of Transportation and Distribution

This module provides discussion and understanding of the concepts of transportation, and various modes and system of distribution. It offers a deep understanding of the transport challenges and future trends, and provides an appreciation of techniques aiming to improve transport management which can be applied in any business. The course dwells heavily on practices relative to the Philippine setting, while also touching on global transportation concepts, and best practices in all modes of transportation as they are applied in distribution channels and distribution management. Key discussion points include:

  • The key role of transportation in supply chain management
  • Major modes of transportation
  • Key transportation principles
  • Transportation pricing
  • Transportation management systems
  • Key trends, solutions and strategies
  • Assessing transport performance

This webinar will next be held on 17 September 2021.

The Essentials of Customer Fulfillment

This module aims to provide the essentials of warehouse management and customer service management as they relate to the current environment of supply chain management, including traditional order fulfillment system and the growing e-commerce fulfillment. This course covers world class practices pertaining to the different elements of a warehouse, including material handling, warehouse management system, warehouse security, and performance measurement. Key discussion points include:

  • How warehousing evolved and its role in supply chain management
  • Fundamentals of warehouse operation and customer service
  • Principles of world class warehousing
  • Warehouse management systems
  • Key trends and applications
  • Assessing customer fulfillment processes

This webinar will next be held on 24 September 2021.