To better support the organization’s work in supporting the Philippine supply chain industry, SCMAP will have an increase in the annual fees its corporate members have to pay from 2023.

From the new year, corporate members will be charged annual dues of PHP 12,000 inclusive of VAT. New members whose applications are approved from 2023 will also pay an increased one-time membership fee of PHP 12,000 inclusive of VAT.

No changes are being planned for individual members, although this is currently being reviewed by the SCMAP board.

The increases are to allow the organization to better facilitate its work in advocating for regulatory and policy reforms that positively impact the supply chain sector; communicating new developments and perspectives through its in-person and online events; and educating supply chain professionals through its own programs and partnerships with academic institutions.

In the past few years, SCMAP has worked closely with various government agencies and private sector stakeholders to ensure that our supply chains keep moving throughout the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond, through support for critical legislation as well as in events such as the first Supply Chain Leaders’ Lunch. It also recognized the critical role supply chain plays in nation-building through participation on initiatives such as Pilipinas Kontra Gutom and DeliverE.

It launched the Certificate Course in Enterprise Supply Chain Management in partnership with the De La Salle University to address the increasing demand for supply chain education in the country. Finally, through events such as SCMAP Live and the flagship SCMAP Supply Chain Conference, it continued to provide supply chain professionals and the public with information on industry developments as well as perspectives from thought leaders that impact their work in the sector.

In the coming year, SCMAP vows to continue its initiatives to keep supply chain moving, as it seeks to unite all stakeholders across the industry and ensure one supply chain moving forward.

Members can address their inquiries on these changes to Annette Camangon through

One thought on “Increase in SCMAP members’ annual fees announced for 2023

  1. Hi how to be an individual member of the SCMAP, am connected with one of the largest fast food chain in the Philippines and would like to be part of the organization.

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