Sponsorship opportunities are now available for two of SCMAP’s upcoming virtual events in 2022, including Supply Chain Outlook Live happening on 22 February, and several editions of SCMAP Live happening throughout the year.

This year’s Supply Chain Outlook Live – which looks ahead at the issues set to shape Philippine supply chain in the next twelve months – will be held in two online sessions on 22 February. The morning session, which will be streamed on our social media channels, will feature talks from esteemed industry stakeholders, as well as the induction of the organization’s Board of Directors for 2022. The afternoon executive session, on the other hand, will feature a briefing on the Philippine economy’s prospects for the year ahead.

Sponsorship for the event is at PHP 60,000 inclusive of acknowledgement as sponsor across both sessions, as well as an AVP to be played in both sessions. Click here to learn more.

SCMAP Live, meanwhile, will continue to explore issues and developments affecting the supply chain sector, now as we begin emerging from the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic. At least four installments are scheduled to happen, with the first scheduled for 17 March. Future installments are also set for May, July and November 2022, with additional installments to be announced as warranted.

Sponsorship for one SCMAP Live event is at PHP 50,000 inclusive of acknowledgment as sponsor. Click here to learn more.

Information on other SCMAP events for 2022 will be revealed in due course. Keep updated by following us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, or by signing up for our mailing list.