SCMAP has announced new online in-house training programs to respond to the call for more options for supply chain education, as those in the industry seek to reskill or upskill in light of recent challenges.
First off, Supply Chain Mornings will return as a series of consultative workshops where participants can discuss particular challenges in their supply chains, with the help of respected facilitators and industry experts. The first such workshop, on optimizing transport costs, will be held in September; more details will be revealed soon.
In 2021, SCMAP will also launch Supply Chain Essentials, a six-week series of short online webinars which will provide those new to supply chain a primer on the fundamentals of the profession.
Both programs will be led by experienced and respected supply chain professionals, and will offer learnings rooted in real expertise and real experience.
These are part of SCMAP’s thrust to expand its supply chain education offerings, apart from its annual Supply Chain Immersion and its efforts through TESDA and GoNegosyo.
More details will be announced in due course.