SCMAP’s latest General Membership Meeting tackled new tech-based platforms providing new opportunities and possibilities for supply chain managers.

Invited to speak at the event, held last 17 August at the F1 Hotel Manila in Taguig City, were Paulo Bengson, co-country head of Transportify, and Johanne Lim, vice president for product management at OpenPort.

Bengson, who came from an operations background, discussed his Transportify – oft described as an “Uber for trucks” – provides companies, whether large enterprises or MSMEs, with more options for making product deliveries. Lim, on the other hand, talked about how OpenPort provides shippers and carriers with greater transparency and allows for better decision making through its cloud-based services.

The open forum that followed explored the impact their products could make on the country’s supply chain industry, particularly as these are also being implemented in other countries.

The GMM also saw three new members inducted: Grand Chamonix Marketing, represented by Marc Diaz; Tritek Reverse Logistics, represented by Armando Famini; and PTC Commercial, represented by Stanley Choi.

The next GMM will be held on 19 October at the Discovery Suites in Pasig City, with more details to be revealed closer to the date.